Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment options for low testosterone here at Advanced Urology Institute.


Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testicles in men. It is mainly responsible for maintaining male characteristics (such as hair growth and a deep voice) and facilitating muscle growth. Other important functions of testosterone include; red blood cell production, maintaining bone density, and reproduction.

What is low testosterone?

Low testosterone is determined by blood tests that measure the amount of the hormone in the body. Normal ranges for testosterone fall in between 270-1070ng/dl; anything below that range is considered low.

Low Testosterone Causes

In order to successfully treat low testosterone, it is important to find the underlying cause. While most health experts agree that testosterone deficiency is a part of the natural aging process, low T is not normal if the change causes health issues.

Common causes of testosterone deficiency include; injury to the scrotum or testicles, medication such as steroids and drugs used for chemotherapy, and certain health conditions including

  • Klinefelter’s syndrome
  • Kallman’s syndrome
  • tuberculosis
  • HIV
  • sarcoidosis
  • Damage to the pituitary gland

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Common symptoms associated with low testosterone levels include;

  • Reduced Sexual Desire
  • Infertility
  • Osteoporosis
  • Loss of Hair
  • Muscle Degeneration
  • ED (erectile dysfunction)

Low testosterone levels can have a major impact on your overall health. That is why testosterone replacement therapy has recently been made available. Testosterone hormone therapy comes in three different forms; intramuscular injection, patch, or gel form. The injection is usually administered once a week, the patch and gel are both placed on the skin as directed by the doctor.

Having low testosterone does not have to be an issue in your life; testosterone replacement therapy can help you regain your overall health. Before starting any medications, it is advised that you talk to your doctor. An accurate diagnosis is essential for treating low testosterone. Advanced Urology Institute has the necessary experience to get your testosterone level back to normal.


Jonathan Beilan, MD
  • Sexual Medicine
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Penile implant surgery
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Male Fertility
  • Men’s Health
  • Varicocele Repair
  • Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal
  • Complex sperm retrieval techniques
  • Hypogonadism (low testosterone)
  • Jillian Iten, PA
  • Prostate Enlargement
  • Incontinence
  • Kidney Stone Disease
  • Testosterone Therapy
  • Women's Health
  • Men's Health




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